unchanged #32
I have a confession to make: I didn't like this one nearly as much as the first. I actually finished this a few days ago but I haven't gotten around to writing about it yet. The past few days have also given me some time to collect my thoughts. There's no question that it's an achievement. It's a big, big film and it's very impressive in a lot of ways. Coppola is a master and everyone in the film is excellent. The non-linear storytelling and parallel time periods is fascinating and I love films that use those techniques well. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to love.
However. It feels much more spread out than the first and I liked that Part I told a very neat story with a beginning middle and end. That's sort of ironic considering Part II takes place before and after Part I but it still has a complete arc. Part II covers A LOT of ground and it felt very thin at parts. There was a lot going on and many, many different characters that I couldn't keep straight (who was in the first movie, who reappears both before and after the first movie, who's doing business with whom, who's stabbing who in the back, etc. [not to mention all the Italian names I can't remember]). Plus, love him though I do, there's only so much time I can watch Pacino silently debate with himself. Seriously, half this movie is him thinking pensively, staring into space just off camera. I wanted a little more story development and fewer plot twists, some more solid action and some better dialogue. It's interesting that it won Best Screenplay and Best Picture and the first didn't because Part I had this beat easy.
ON THE OTHER HAND: De Niro. Period. Unbelievable. He barely said one word in English and I bought it. The transition from poor, hard-working immigrant to vengeful killer made perfect sense. And most incredible of all, I think, is how closely he plays it to Brando's characterization. They're the only two actors to ever both win awards for playing the same character in different movies.
Diane Keaton is also great. I'm not a big fan of hers but that's because I've only ever seen her post-Woody Allen where everything she plays is EXACTLY. THE. SAME. Funny sometimes, but always the same. She was really good in both movies, I think.
And I gotta give some love to Pacino. He really is amazing and he was great in this movie just as he was in the last one. It's just different and I think he had much more to work with in the first film with his transition into the family business.
Bottom line: worth seeing, not as good as the first, didn't make me want to keep watching for Part III (which will take some time anyway because it's not on the list). Good work, FFCopp!
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