#72, replaced Ben-Hur
I finally saw this one! Another that I've been meaning to get to for a long time. And it was just as good as I was hoping. I knew nothing about the plot or cast going in and as I got closer to watching it I decided to keep it that way. And, man, was I shocked. The story is incredible, the film-making is amazing, the acting is off the charts. I really was captivated the entire way through. I'm not going to say much about it in case anyone hasn't seen it, except to say that it's a story about friendship and beating the odds (in many different ways) and I loved every minute of it. Morgan Freeman is unbelievable. He inspires me as an actor more than most people. Tim Robbins is under-appreciated, I think and he was excellent in this as in most everything I've seen of his (if you haven't seen Arlington Road you need to). Plus the supporting cast goes on forever. I could keep raving about the movie but the 11 Oscar nominations and consideration as one of the best films maybe ever should speak for themselves. Rent this one immediately.
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