Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This new blog project (blogject, if you will) came about as I read yet another list of the "Top 50 ____ Films Of All Time." Doesn't matter what list because we've all seen a million of them. I realized that there are hundreds of "classic" that I've never seen. I consider myself a movie fan but my knowledge is pretty limited. This blog is an attempt to buff up on the important movies. We're starting out with the AFI 100 and planning to watch them all and discuss them here. There are several of us involved (I'll let everyone introduce themselves) so there will be several opinions for each film. We're not on a deadline, so it'll happen when it happens, and that means there won't be a clear order to the posts.

The Rules:
1. You must watch the whole film.
2. Regardless of how many times you've seen it and how many lines you can quote, you must rewatch the movie before posting.
3. Each blog post must be titled with the name of the film.

That's it. Other than those three, all bets are off. There's no requirement for how much or how little gets written about each one. If it takes some of us three years (we may or may not still be here) and some of us three weeks, so be it. If you want to get involved or steal the idea for your own project, let us know. Here goes...


Randi said...

you would.

Anna Scanlon said...

are you doing the 10th anniversary list or original?