Hey, remember The Sixth Sense? I forgot how great this movie is. I saw it not long after it came out (the end was ruined for me- rude!) and as I just watched it again now I realized that I don't think I've seen it since. Well ten years later it's just as good, let me tell you. I remember thinking it was terrifying (I was a wuss at 13 and I'm not much better now), but it's not nearly as scary as I remember. On the off chance that anyone still hasn't seen the movie I won't spoil what might be the greatest twist ending of all time, but I'll mention a few other thoughts.
First of all, Toni Collette is one of the greatest actresses I've ever watched. I just finished the first season of "United States of Tara" where she plays four distinctly different character- sometimes in the same scene. I always forget that she was in this movie and that it got her a (very well-deserved) Oscar nomination. She's incredible and you'd never know it was her. Her Amercian accent alone is perfect, but she does Philadelphia just as well (and on USoT, Southern woman, Southern man and teenage girl, all equally brilliantly). Haley Joel Osment is truly amazing considering he was 10 when the movie was filmed. I think his Oscar nomination was also highly-deserved. Bruce Willis is good, though he's never been a favorite of mine and he doesn't display any remarkable range of character in this. And, although I hate this in principle (don't ever ruin the end of anything for anybody!), it's almost better knowing the secret. I'm a big M. Night fan (the only one in the world who's still a fan, actually) and one of my favorite aspects of his movies is how much better they get upon repeat viewing. Once you know, everything becomes an "oh my god!" moment. (It's also way less scary for chickens like me.) I'll stop gushing before I say anything that will give away the MONSTROUSLY INCREDIBLE LIFE-CHANGING ENDING (I'm not overselling it at all, am I?), but if there's any way you've missed seeing this one- GO! GO NOW!
Extra- I read about the movie on Wikipedia and learned two things I didn't notice either time. I don't want to say it since it might give away the aforementioned surprise ending, but look for the section called "Production". So smart! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sixth_Sense
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